Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Haiku Podcast #04

I hate deadlines ... and I do apologize for the delay, I was away at a paintball tournament on the weekend. So, without further ado, here's episode #04.
This month, we have an interview with Weekly Haiku's site operator - Danny Robson. Also, we have the latest news (a little stale now sorry) and our usual segments. Working on a new segment for next month, stay tuned.
As always, if you have any feedback about the show or would like to be involved, drop us a comment or email us - haiku at sikosis dot com.
Haiku-OS Newsletter - Issue #63
The Telling Secrets of Haiku's Bugzilla
Haiku Gets NE2000 Support
GParted on dl.tv
Haiku Bounties to Close
Haiku Network Stack Architecture
Weekly Haiku
Glass Elevator Wiki
Haiku SVN
Capital Be Preview Edition
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Haiku Podcast #03

Sorry for the delay ... but we're finally here, with the third episode of the Haiku OS Podcast, and we hope this episode can make up for the delay.
This month, we have two interviews, first up, BeGeistert's front man, Charlie Clark talks to us about his history with BeOS and the events he organizes and then we get into the mind of Karl vom Dorff, from Haiku Bounties. Plus, there's our usual bits 'n pieces.
If you have any feedback about the show or would like to be involved, drop us a comment or email us - haiku at sikosis dot com.
Haiku-OS Newsletter - Issue #62
Rudolf Cornelissen to Wind Down BeOS/Haiku Activities
Haiku Bounties
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Haiku Podcast #02

Welcome to the second episode of the Haiku OS Podcast.
This month, we have an exclusive interview with Michael Phipps, fearless leader of the Haiku OS project, along with all our regular segments.
We've had some great feedback and we've tried to take as much of that on board as possible, so thanks. If you have any feedback about this month's podcast, drop us a comment or email us - haiku at sikosis dot com.
Haiku Bounties
Quake III on Haiku
Mozilla Firefox Bleeding Edge
Sliding Tabs SVN
Sliding Tabs Video Demo (DivX - Use VLC)
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Haiku Podcast #01

Welcome to the first episode of the Haiku Podcast.
I've been toying around with the idea of doing a podcast for awhile and I thought, what better subject to talk about than Haiku.
So, bang a gong, we are on. Be sure to give us some feedback via the site and if you'd like to contribute, please email me - haiku at sikosis dot com.
My Odeo Channel (odeo/da4c7834128bbf71)
Haiku OS
Yellow Tab
Team Haiku
Mozilla Firefox Bleeding Edge
Mozilla Sunbird